1)Mobile Codes use your built-in camera on your phone to read and decode
text or url's encoded into 2D images, a bit like a bar-code reader.
2)BEGIN:VCARD N:Cochrane;Thom TEL:7076 EMAIL:[email protected] ORG:Unitec TITLE:Academic Advisor (eLearning technologies) ADR:Building 111 URL:http://thomcochrane.vox.com VERSION:3.0 END:VCARD
3)BEGIN EVENT SUMMARY: Queen's Birthday Weekend DTSTART:20090606 DTEND:20090608 END:VEVENT
4)mailto:[email protected]
5)geo:- 36.87824747646985, 1747071647644043? q=Unitec, Mt Albert
8)smsto:+642102560453: Mobile codes use your built-in camera on your phone to decode http://ctliwiki.unitec.ac.nz/index.php/IphoneTutorials
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